Self Hypnosis Tips Archives

Using self hypnosis to attract money is just like using self hypnosis for sleep, stop smoking or other issues. First you relax the mind and body and prepare to enter a trance state. While you are so very relaxed, listen to this video with music and positive affirmations about money.

During hypnosis the subconscious mind soaks up the positive statements just as if they are true now. The positive affirmations are be expressed firmly in the present tense. Say, “I have fifty dollars in my bank account now,” rather than, “Someday I will have fifty dollars.”

Some Money affirmations are listed below:

  • I love money
  • Money loves me
  • People want to give me money
  • I deserve money
  • Money deserves me
  • My bank account runs over with money
  • I pay my bills and have money to spare
  • Money is my friend
  • Money comes to me freely
  • Money serves my
  • Money flows like a river to me
  • I am rich
  • I am wealthy
  • I am prosperous
  • I am affluent
  • Prosperity and abundance flow to me
  • I am a money magnet
  • I am rolling in money
  • I am well off
  • I am well to do
  • I am made of money
  • I am well heeled

You see, these affirmations give the subconscious mind some thing to chew on–something to work on. When you think in these terms, you will begin to attract money in many different ways. Self hypnosis is a great key to attracting money. Listen to self hypnosis downloads, mp3s, and CDs to reprogram your mind to become a money magnet.

The beautiful music on this video will help you to relax and enter into a state of peacefulness. It is in this trance state that you can influence the subconscious mind to make positive changes in your life. What’s happening is the subconscious mind accepts your positive affirmations as truth during self hypnosis for relaxation. Then a new neural pathway for success is formed. Old behaviors are not erased but they can fade to the background when you put new patterns of behavior into play. The musical tones, Binaural, Monaural and Isochronic help the mind to relax and focus so that you can be at your most receptive state for exploring your self.

Listen to the type of music on this self hypnosis download often to engage the subconscious mind in reflective study of your potential. By adding affirmations and statements related to desires and goals, you can rewire the brain for success. Old self defeating patterns will be overcome and replaced with the new ideas,  success and more helpful behaviors. After listening to these hypnosis downloads a few times you will be more relaxed, less stressed and more confident each day.


What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is the art of accessing the subconscious mind and bypassing the conscious mind usually with a facilitator or hypnotherapist.  Self Hypnosis is doing this by yourself. The conscious mind makes judgements about everything. It determines what is right or wrong, one thing or another, such as hot or cold. The subconscious mind makes no judgements. The subconscious mind is where our automatic body system is, keeping our heart beating, our stomach working, and our liver functioning, in other words. It also plays programs that we put into it, like fears, and phobias. The subconscious mind records every experience or thought that we ever had. When

How Does Self Hypnosis Work?

Have you ever driven halfway to work and suddenly realize you don’t remember passing any of the familiar places along the way. Maybe you were thinking about the upcoming weekend activities and felt as if you were there. Amazingly, you weren’t there, you were actually driving your car. The subconscious doesn’t know the difference in something being real or unreal.  This is an example of being hypnotized. During hypnosis you fill the subconscious with positive behavior experiences through affirmations and it thinks the new behavior is real! That’s how we make changes in our lives. That is how hypnosis works.

Here’s an example of how it feels to be hypnotized. Sit comfortably, Close your eyes, relax each part of your body from your toes to your nose. Take a little time with each part…toes, ankles, knees, thighs, hips, waist, chest, neck, mouth, nose, etc. Imagine how it feels to go to a beautiful, special place. It could be the mountains, the beach or the forest, it’s up to you. Look at the surroundings. Feel the temperature of the surroundings. Be aware of colors, sounds. Are people around? Experience this fantastic place for a little while…. Open your eyes now. How did that feel? It felt as though you were really there, didn’t it? Were you there? Nah not really!

Click on the next link if you want to quit smoking with hypnosis .


View this video to feel calm, relaxed, and stress free. Anxiety is not present when you are not stressed. The soothing waterfall with water flowing downward into a body of water acts like an eraser for stress. Stress just flows away with the water.

The pleasant voice of the hypnotherapist reminds us to release tension in each part of the body and make the muscles loose and relaxed. He asks the client to imagine anxiety and stress just flowing away with the water. As the water flows down the waterfall, so does stress when we make the choice to release stress. When we consciously focus our attention on the water, it distracts us from thinking about our problems and we can work with our subconscious mind to make positive changes. You can use self hypnosis for stress management as well.

The speaker asks the listener to think of their hands laying in the lap and then to think about the hands becoming warm. This is an exercise to teach that we are in control and we can make necessary changes to leave stress behind. Less stress = less anxiety. Continuing to practice the exercises on the video will help the listener reduce stress and anxiety. Try out the self hypnosis downloads, mp3s and videos to get better and better.